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MINECRAFT Shaders Mod 1.7.5 and 1.7.9 DOWNLOAD!

Hello everyone! Here is the Shaders Mod for Minecraft 1.7.5 + 1.7.9!


How to install:
Before running this installer, run Minecraft 1.7.5 at least once and close it.
Close Minecraft Launcher before you run this installer.
The installer is executable jar file. Double-click to run.
  -> If your computer doesn't associate .jar with Java, you may have to run java from command line or batch file.
    java -jar ShadersMod-v2.3.15mc1.7.5-installer.jar

IMPORTANT This version is compatible with OptiFine_1.7.5_HD_U_D1.
Run OptiFine installer before ShadersMod installer.  (DOWNLOAD OPTIFINE HERE)


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Author: admin
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